You may have heard of DCCs “find and fix” team but have spotted Chilton’s very own “Repair Man”.

Cllr David English , who is very often accompanied by his letter helper, daughter Ayesha age 4, can be seen most evening and weekend repairing and refurbishing areas of Chilton and the Miners Welfare Trust.

Since joining the council in April, David has quietly been identifying issues and then simply sorting and fixing them.  

From making play park equipment safe, painting, and varnishing Cemetery benches, security our buildings to cutting Hedges to joining the local litter picking team.

David is also looking to organise community volunteering days, working with the Friends of the Park to support the maintenance and enhancement of the Miners Welfare Recreation fields and Bowling Pavilion……one of Chilton’s proud historical assets. 

So next time you are out and about in Chilton, and you spot him, go up and say hello and find out more about the Miners Welfare Trust community volunteer opportunities.

Next volunteer day is 14th September 2024, meet 9:30am at the Miners Welfare Bowling Pavilion 

For mor information on Community Volunteering or the Miners Welfare Trust contact: 


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