Durham Road Chilton County Durham DL17 0HE

Chilton Town Council - Our Councillors

About Our People

Chilton Town Council is composed of elected Parish Councillors and Officers who work together to represent and support the community.

Would you like to become part of Chilton Town Council?
Contact the Town Clerk at:

You can also view the Register of Interests for each councillor via the Council’s website.


Mayor and Deputy Mayor

At Chilton Town Council, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor play pivotal roles in representing the community, leading council activities, and supporting local initiatives. These positions reflect the dedication of our elected representatives to serving the people of Chilton. Below are the current officeholders for the 2024–2025 term.

Picture of Stuart updated

Councillor Mayor Stuart Sutherland

Mayor of Chilton (2024–2025). Joined the council in 2020. Email: cllrssutherland@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk
Phone: 07548 337284


Councillor Deputy Mayor Pearl Malpas

Deputy Mayor of Chilton. Joined the council in 2020. Email: cllrpmalpas@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk
Phone: 07884 467082

chilton town council

Chilton Town Councillors

Below is a list of our current councillors and their contact information:

Cllr Diane Bright

Email: cllrdbright@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Elizabeth Bruce

Email: cllrebruce@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Victor Collinson

Email: cllrvcollinson@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr David English

Email: cllrdenglish@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Pam Herbert

Email: cllrpherbert@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Kieran Hornsby

Email: cllrkhornsby@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr James Houlihan

Email: cllrjhoulihan@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Sue Reece

Email: cllrsreece@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

Cllr Michael Young

Email: cllrmyoung@chiltondurham-tc.gov.uk

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